1、9月6日晚21:10分,中国好声音第二季第九期导师考核哈林老师终于披挂上阵,这一次,哈林老师誓将 Ella 带领健身房的成员们撬动地球。那到底中国好声音第二季导师考核庾澄庆哈林组有什么亮点呢? 哈林一次又一次把经典老歌改编成新的模样,特别是戴荃和蘑菇兄弟的PK单曲《妹妹你大胆地往前走》更是获得了导师们的一致好评。而整期唯一的英文歌《Stand By Me》(原唱 Ben E. King )由葛泓语对阵张家铭。最后葛泓语胜出。那么好听的英文歌原唱是谁?快来听听吧!
3、when the night has come
4、and the land is dark
5、and the moon is the only light we'll see
6、no, i won't be afraid
7、no, i won't be afraid
8、just as long as you stand
9、stand by me
10、so darling, darling,
11、stand by me,
12、oh, stand by me
13、oh, stand,
14、stand by me
15、stand by me
16、if the sky that we look upon
17、should tumble and fall
18、or the mountains should crumble to the sea
19、i won't cry, i won't cry,
20、no, i won't shed a tear
21、just as long as you stand
22、stand by me
23、and darling, darling,
24、stand by me,
25、oh, stand by me
26、oh, stand,
27、stand by me
28、stand by me
29、darling, darling,
30、stand by me,
31、oh, stand by me
32、oh, stand,
33、stand by me
34、stand by me
35、when ever your in trouble, won't you stand by me
36、stand by me, oh
37、stand by me
【#中国好声音:葛泓语 VS 张珈铭#】到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助。